Reflect on your clinical experience this week, complete the required journal entry as to how you demonstrated each QSEN domain, or reflect

Reflect on your clinical experience this week, complete the required journal entry as to how you demonstrated each QSEN domain, or reflect

Self-Reflection Journal Tool -NSG 163 Adult Nursing I

Requirement: One double-spaced, 500-word journal entry (inputting the rubric questions in your entry will not be totaled in the final word count).

Students are required to be self-reflective on the aspects of the care that they have provided to their patients. The care provided should be aligned with the QSEN nursing competencies. Students should self-identify areas that they believe need improvement, identify new insights that have been gained from the clinical day, as well as review what should be prepared for the next clinical week. Journaling professional progress is done via utilizing the SMART goal format: (S) Specific; (M) Measurable; (A) Achievable; (R) Relevant; (T) Time-Bound. Students should discuss their SMART goals with Instructors so that the instructor can assist in the student’s success.

Reflect on your clinical experience this week, complete the required journal entry as to how you demonstrated each QSEN domain, or reflect on an area in which your clinical instructor suggested you improve and utilize the rubric. Set at least one S.M.A.R.T goal for your next clinical week that is QSEN aligned:

1. Patient-Centered Care:
2. Teamwork & Collaboration:
3. Evidenced-Based Practice:

Answer preview for Reflect on your clinical experience this week, complete the required journal entry as to how you demonstrated each QSEN domain, or reflect

Reflect on your clinical experience this week, complete the required journal entry as to how you demonstrated each QSEN domain, or reflect


568 Words