identify and thoroughly describe the function of the lymphatic system, then thoroughly describe its Anatomy and Physiology.  Then thoroughly

identify and thoroughly describe the function of the lymphatic system, then thoroughly describe its Anatomy and Physiology.  Then thoroughly

Please identify and thoroughly describe the function of the lymphatic system, then thoroughly describe its Anatomy and Physiology.  Then thoroughly describe how to perform a focused physical assessment on the entire lymphatic system, then thoroughly discuss relevant labs of the lymphatic system, next thoroughly describe how a nurse would document about the lymphatic system after the nursing assessment then describe how the nurse would document when you find the lymphatic system within normal limits after assessing the entire lymphatic system,  Next thoroughly Identify/ Describe 3 common disease processes of the lymphatic system and finally thoroughly describe 3 applicable nursing diagnosis that pertain to the signs and symptoms the nurse might objectively notice or the patient may subjectively describe to the nurse upon assessment of the patient.  Then describe hypothetical interventions/ treatments and a realistic timeline of treatment when a patient  presents to the hospital with that lymphatic disease. Basically write a nursing care plan for the 3 different lymphatic diseases u just wrote about, list only one nursing diagnosis for each disease and complete it with the proper related to and as evidenced by statements. Next describe expected nursing outcomes for each pf the 3 care plans.  Make sure the outcomes follow the smart acronym, and that they are realistic, patient centered, timely, and safe… next describe the nursing implementations that the nurse might utilize to achieve those outcomes.  Then thoroughly complete all 3 hypothetical nursing plans.  Please put all of this information in powerpoint format as I will be inserting my final draft into a group powerpoint that my fellow team mates have already sent me access to.  Last but not least please give me a very creative additional tool to use during our group presentation.  I will do a separate order once someone accepts this order for the next part which i would love a  cool handout on the 3 systems my group is responsible for which are the lymphatic, endocrine, and the immune system, and also include a college level skit for me and 3 other classmates to perform at the beginning or end of our group presentation.  Make sure the  skit covers all 3 systems:lymphatic, endocrine, and immune systems, not just the lymphatic, the skit and handouts or any other creative unique aid to the presentation anyone can come up with must include all 3 systems once again they are lymphatic, immune, and endocrine! Thank u

Now i will paste the entire group project ( PLEASE REMEMBER THAT I AM ONLY Responsible for what i stated above and nothing else!!!)
The project presentation can be poster, PPP, Study cards, Study booklet, Video, include tricks to remember, Quiz Questions, workbook, Songs, Skits your group decides.
that is all i am requesting help with, identified and describe the function, Anatomy and Physiology, Identify how to perform and physical assessment, to include relevant labs and document about the system when you find it WNL, Identify 2 or 3 common disease processes and 3 applicable nursing diagnosis.  The project presentation can be poster, PPP, Study cards, Study booklet, Video, include tricks to remember, Quiz Questions, workbook, Songs, Skits your group decides.

project is a group effort.  Each system of the body needs to be identified and describe the function, Anatomy and Physiology, Identify how to perform and physical assessment, to include relevant labs and document about the system when you find it WNL, Identify 2 or 3 common disease processes and 3 applicable nursing diagnosis.  The project presentation can be poster, PPP, Study cards, Study booklet, Video, include tricks to remember, Quiz Questions, workbook, Songs, Skits your group decides.

12.5 points each
6.25 points each
3.12 Points each
System Identified

Function of system

Anatomy and Physiology of system

Answer preview for identify and thoroughly describe the function of the lymphatic system, then thoroughly describe its Anatomy and Physiology.  Then thoroughly


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