For the Interpersonal unit in this course, you will write an Interpersonal Theory Analysis. This writing assignment will provide

For the Interpersonal unit in this course, you will write an Interpersonal Theory Analysis. This writing assignment will provide

For the Interpersonal unit in this course, you will write an Interpersonal Theory Analysis. This writing
assignment will provide you with the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge about a single theory of
Interpersonal Communication, and also to think about how that theory can be applied in real-world
communication contexts (i.e., in a face-to-face interaction and also in a mediated interaction). You will also gain
experience locating and using scholarly sources as supporting evidence in your academic writing. To help you
complete this assignment efficiently, and also to help ensure you are writing about a well-known Interpersonal
theory, you will choose your theory from the Theories list provided at the end of this assignment document.
You should not write about any other theory that is not present on this list, and you should not write about
more than one theory.
 Your analysis should include 8 sections: cover page, introduction, theory summary, theory explanation, face-to-
face communication example, mediated communication example, conclusion, and references. Your cover page
should be the first page of your document and should include your title, name, and the university name (see
link in Resources section of this document to the OWL@Purdue APA guide for further information on cover
page formatting). The body of your analysis should include the introduction, theory summary, theory
explanation, face-to-face example, mediated example, and conclusion. Your reference section should be the
last page of your document (see OWL@Purdue for further information on reference page formatting). Your
entire document should be in APA format, which includes the use of section headers to label each section,
Times New Roman 12 point font with double spacing, and in-text/parenthetical citations. You are required to
cite at least 3 credible, academic sources in this analysis. To assist you with this requirement, you may use your
textbook as 1 of the 3 sources. You will also be provided with 1 scholarly article that is related to your chosen
theory and that may count as source 2 of 3. You will be responsible for locating source 3 using the TAMUCC
online library system. Please see the Resources section of this document for links to information explaining how
to use that system.

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For the Interpersonal unit in this course, you will write an Interpersonal


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