Persuasive essay on “Effective communication in achieving organizational goals and objective” To write a persuasive essay, you can follow

Persuasive essay on “Effective communication in achieving organizational goals and objective” To write a persuasive essay, you can follow

Persuasive essay on “Effective communication in achieving organizational goals and objective”

To write a persuasive essay, you can follow this outline:

Introductory Paragraph
Grab the reader’s attention by using a “hook.”
Give an overview of the argument.
Close with a thesis statement that reveals the position to be argued.
“Body” Paragraphs That Provide Support For Your Argument (while three “points” are listed here, you’ll need more paragraphs than that in order to meet your page count)
Side A – All the facts and reasoning that supports your paper’s argument
Side B – What is the counterargument, and why is it incorrect or why does it not discredit your argument
Remember not to “speak” in your paper with personal pronouns (like “I” or “my”,) as you want your paper to speak to the reader, not you personally
Each body paragraph should focus on one piece of evidence.
Within each paragraph, provide sufficient supporting detail.
Concluding Paragraph
Restate and reinforce the thesis and supporting evidence.

Please read the above instruction

That’s the guideline in writing the persuasive essay

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