The purpose of this assignment is to finalize an internal business proposal that outlines how you will implement the solution to the problem

The purpose of this assignment is to finalize an internal business proposal that outlines how you will implement the solution to the problem

The purpose of this assignment is to finalize an internal business proposal that outlines how you will implement the solution to the problem you have identified in your organization

Executive Summary (250 words) provides a short summary of the entire proposal so key stakeholders can see an overview of the proposal and understand it without reading the entire document.

Purpose Statement (250 words) provides clear statement of why the business proposal is being made.

Problem Statement (300 words) including specific data (statistics and numbers) related to how the problem impacts the Business.

Data and Research Findings (400 words) should include a summary of what you learned from conducting research related to what has already been done to address the organizational problem.

Proposed Solution (400 words) should include a summary of the top three problem solutions you considered to address the problem which are

1). Increase compensation package
2). On site child care / childcare subsidies
3). Performance based incentives.

this section should provide a succinct discussion of the pros and cons of implementing each of the top three solutions being considered to address the problem

Stakeholder Analysis and Benefits (500 words, revised as needed from Topic 3 assignment feedback) summarizes all data and information related to the key stakeholders affected by the proposed problem solution along with a summary of benefits to be gained by stakeholders if the problem solution is implemented.

Change Management Plan (300 words) clearly articulates specific methods and strategies to be utilized to manage organizational changes associated with the selected solution implementation.

Implementation Methods (500 words) summarize specific strategies that will used to implement the problem solution, including time and costs associated with implementation of the solution.

Evaluating Success (250 words) summarize specific measures you will use to evaluate the success of the problem solution.

Conclusion/Call to Action (100 words) provides specific steps you would like key stakeholders and sponsors to take in the implementation of the proposed solution.

It is important to include specific data throughout the business proposal. Include statistics that support the problem statement that can be used to establish and track goals; relate to specifics of implementation, timing, and cost; and illustrate stakeholder benefits. The proposal is an internal document that will be read by stakeholders within the organization where the problem exists, so keep this in mind and focus on this audience as you write. Within the Word document, include subsection titles to organize content according to the categories listed above to provide easy reference points for the reader.

Answer preview for The purpose of this assignment is to finalize an internal business proposal that outlines how you will implement the solution to the problem

The purpose of this assignment is to finalize an internal


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