Using the information in the presentations, and current issues in America today, you will write a3 – 5 page essay in current APA format.

Using the information in the presentations, and current issues in America today, you will write a
3 – 5 page essay in current APA format.



Prior to beginning this assignment, complete Watch: Tim Goeglein – Part 1 and Watch: Tim
Goeglein – Part 2. Goeglien discusses the attacks on Christianity during a live presentation at
Liberty in 2013. The threats he addresses have not only become a reality but intensified.
Goeglein highlights several constitutional principles which have been violated and have led to a
decline in moral and virtuous behavior. As noted in Module 1 Week 1, for liberty to survive, we
need virtuous leaders. You may also find it beneficial to review The Constitutional Christian.
Using the information in the presentations, and current issues in America today, you will write a
3 – 5 page essay in current APA format. Your essay will have an introduction, conclusion, and
level headings. It will include a title page, a reference page, at least three additional sources not
more than six months old, and at least three biblical references with their complete text. The
additional sources may be a news article, a journal article, a recent court case, or similar current
event. Note the author and date of publication. Be sure to include the video presentations and
Bible in your reference page. These do not count as “additional sources”. Wikipedia and similar
sources are not acceptable. Do not simply write parts of Goeglein’s presentation verbatim.
As a reminder, collaborating with other students on this assignment or borrowing answers from
other students’ work is considered plagiarism and will be treated as such.

  1. According to Tim Goeglein, what was President Reagan’s outlook on America? How
    would you compare Reagan’s outlook with that of the current president? Compare or
    contrast three specific areas of governance.
  2. Tim Goeglein discusses three major attacks on the Christian foundations of America.
    What are these major attacks? Provide at least one biblical reference, with the complete
    text of the verse, applicable to each attack. Name a Supreme Court decision which
    legitimized the attack and when it was rendered.
  3. Select one of the attacks on the Christian foundations of our nation discussed in Question
    2 and go into further detail: discuss which commandment or constitutional principle the
    attack violates, and the basis for the case. The attacks on Christianity in America
    continue to this day. Discuss three court cases, not more than five years old, that either
    reinforce the attack or demonstrate a fight to change direction.
  4. At the conclusion of his presentation, Tim Goeglein discusses the job of the Christian in
    light of these attacks. Discuss whether or not you believe the country is moving in the
    right direction and how you as a Christian can help others understand how to change our
    culture to glorify God?
    Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the TurnItIn plagiarism tool.

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3 – 5 page essay in current APA format.


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