The question is are there any qualitative differences in the ways that developed and developing countries respond to refugee flows? Explain.

The question is are there any qualitative differences in the ways that developed and developing countries respond to refugee flows? Explain.

 The question is are there any qualitative differences in the ways that developed and developing countries respond to refugee flows? Explain.
 The paper should be 7-8 pages, with 12 point times new roman font and standard (1 in) margins.
Any sources must be properly cited.
 The paper will be assessed on the following:
1) Thesis: does the paper have a clear thesis that responds to the question?
2) Ideas: does the paper present logical and thoughtful reasoning in support of the thesis?
3) Evidence: does the paper effectively integrate appropriate information from course material
provided below?
4) Organization: does the paper have a clear coherent structure?
5) Mechanics: does the paper avoid errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation?

Only uses these sources:

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