The research question is Why has polarization in the American mass public increased over the last 2 decades? Based on The Role of Elite

The research question is Why has polarization in the American mass public increased over the last 2 decades? Based on The Role of Elite

The research question is Why has polarization in the American mass public increased over the last 2 decades? Based on The Role of Elite Polarization by Marc j. Hetherington.
In this assignment, you will build on the literature and summaries and write a literature review of a research paper. Recall that literature reviews are thematic and organized around ideas, not sources. where multiple sources refer to the same idea. you are encouraged to use multiple citations. in addition to discussing the literature, i would like you to add an argument to the end of each theme that summarizes the discussion, there should be argument drawn from your discussion that serves as a potential answer to the research question which id Why has polarization in the American mass public increases over the last two decades?. The literature review should have 2 or 3 themes and should reflect the following.
1. organization is around themes that provide potential answers to the research question 2. each theme ends with an argument that answers the research question. 3. The literature review as a whole included citation from all 5 sources. 4. Finally, please include a properly formatted references section at the end of the literature review on a separate page.
The 5 sources are
1. Iyengar_et_al-2015-American_Journal_of_Political_Science
2. Levendusky-2013-American_Journal_of_Political_Science.
3.Mason 2015
4. Taber & lodge

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