Go to Last Seen: http://informationwanted.org/ (Links to an external site.) and select 1-2 different ads (you may not use the ones in this

This unyielding need for kin inspired African Americans to place “Information Wanted” ads that they placed in newspapers across the country.

Instructions: Go to Last Seen: http://informationwanted.org/ (Links to an external site.) and select 1-2 different ads (you may not use the ones in this journal! unless you decide to them in ADDITION to others). You can choose randomly, or you can search for specific categories—parents and children seeking each other, sibling or spouse searches, publication, date, or state. Then, read each ad with care. Read them again. Summarize the information the seeker provided about their loved one—name, place last seen, date, physical or geographic description. Read the ads again, this time, consider their similarities and differences. What insight do the ads reveal individually and collectively? What might it take for people being sought to connect with their kin? What might these ads have revealed to other Americans reading newspapers at the time?

Writing: Use your collected evidence to write a 250-word mini-essay on the ads. Your essay should introduction/body/conclusion with a central argument about the new or different light these sources shine (individually and collectively) on knowledge about African American and/or U.S. history, slavery as an institution, and family. Make sure you acknowledge the ads’ completeness or lack thereof—What can we know about the sender and their loved one from the ad? What can’t we know?—and why that matters.

Answer preview for Go to Last Seen: http://informationwanted.org/ (Links to an external site.) and select 1-2 different ads (you may not use the ones in this


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