Summarize the process of neural scaffolding and thinning described in this chapter. What is some evidence given that DNA does not fully

Summarize the process of neural scaffolding and thinning described in this chapter. What is some evidence given that DNA does not fully

Reading: Chapter 7, A General Theory of Love

For this reading quiz you will answer five, long answer questions on the above chapter. Your answers must be based on the content of the chapter, not your opinions or outside research. A suggested length for answers is 100-200 words. Any shorter risks not answering the question fully.

Your answers must be your own words. Cutting and pasting, copying expressions or even paraphrasing (i.e. rewriting a passage by changing the words) are all forms of plagiarism. If you do any of these, even for just a small part of the quiz, you will receive a 0 for the whole assignment, and may be subject to further institutional reprimands.

It is also strongly recommended that you avoid quoting from the text at length. Your answers should show your understanding put into your own words, not your ability to pick out relevant passages from the textbook. Quoting will not result in a 0, but full credit is unlikely for an answer with with extensive quotes.

Summarize the process of neural scaffolding and thinning described in this chapter.

What is some evidence given that DNA does not fully determine personality?

How do children learn to understand their inner emotional world?

What does it mean for relationship patterns when the authors say that “attachment makes familiarity trump worth”?

Why is it so difficult to learn new patterns of emotional relatedness later in life?

Answer preview for Summarize the process of neural scaffolding and thinning described in this chapter. What is some evidence given that DNA does not fully


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