Phase 2. Write Country Selection Recommendation for Entry and Supporting Rationale. Phase 2 is to be added to Phase I of your document and

Phase 2. Write Country Selection Recommendation for Entry and Supporting Rationale. Phase 2 is to be added to Phase I of your document and

b. Phase 2. Write Country Selection Recommendation for Entry and Supporting Rationale
Due: Sunday April 12 th to the Assignment section of D2L

Phase 2 is to be added to Phase I of your document and will describe the country that you have
selected to enter for your company and the reasons why you selected that country. You have
seven countries to select from and they are listed further down in this section along with
resources to do fast research. The text for Phase 2 should also be between 1 page and 2 full pages
in length in MS Word (size 12 font, Times Roman). Please remember to put the following at the
top of the page: Global 3420, student name, case company name, date and Phase 2 at the top of
the page.
a. Please declare the country that you have selected to enter with your firm. List three to five
reasons for your country selection and elaborate on each reason. Thought starter reasons for you
to consider as rationales for the country choice include:
-Healthy economy and stable government
-Product line your company markets is demanded by consumers/businesses there with
information to support that conclusion.
-Your target consumers/end users both demand your product and have the capability to
buy (sufficient GDP/capita). A supporting point would be that competitors to your
company are already selling in that country.
-The country has the infrastructure (e.g. roads, airports, utilities) to make doing business
-The import/export regulations of the country are conducive for your company to enter.
b. Key, fast country information and analysis resources to help you with the country choice
are the following for each country.
1) CIA World-Factbook by country (please see country URL listings below)

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