For this journal, we will use the op-ed articles titled ‘How politics and muddled CDC messaging helped doom U.S efforts to fight coronavirus’

For this journal, we will use the op-ed articles titled ‘How politics and muddled CDC messaging helped doom U.S efforts to fight coronavirus’

For this journal, we will use the op-ed articles titled ‘How politics and muddled CDC messaging
helped doom U.S efforts to fight coronavirus’ by Dr. David Weill and ‘Could COVID-19 set off a
wave of heart disease?’ by Euan Ashley.

Who is/ are the primary audience (s) for the op-ed articles?

What is the purpose of op-ed articles?

What kind of arguments do op-ed pieces make, and what kind of evidence do the writers
provide in support of their arguments? What kinds of appeal do the authors use (logical,
emotional, ethical)?

How are op-ed articles organized? How long is a typical op-ed article? How are the
arguments, claims, and evidence organized? How long are the paragraphs? What do the
introduction and conclusion look like?

Answer preview for For this journal, we will use the op-ed articles titled ‘How politics and muddled CDC messaging helped doom U.S efforts to fight coronavirus’


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