Evaluate four segments you have created in Question 1, suggest which segment Gucci should target first and why? Create a consumer profile

Evaluate four segments you have created in Question 1, suggest which segment Gucci should target first and why? Create a consumer profile

  1. Gucci planned to launch a new product category in clothing, ‘street fashion clothing’, entirely different form all existing clothing lines in Australia. Gucci’s CMO (chief marketing officer) approached you to create four segments for the Australian market based on consumer demographic, psychographic, and behaviour characteristics with two sub-factors in each base. Create a table for four segments and three base factors with two sub-factors of each base. Provide robust justification (with the help of literature/model/theory) for your selection of sub-factors for each base.
  2. Evaluate four segments you have created in Question 1, suggest which segment Gucci should target first and why? Create a consumer profile for a chosen segment? How does Gucci differentiate the ‘street fashion’ clothing category from many other competitors? Based on your suggested differentiation strategy, write a positioning statement for a street fashion clothing brand for the chosen segment and create a positioning map to attract this segment. Justify with the help of theory.
  3. Covid 19 hit the fashion industry sales significantly. What sustainable marketing strategies (since fashion is one of the most wasteful industries) do you suggest the fashion industry should opt to cope with such crises situations? How Gucci improve its existing sustainable marketing practice to create its guanine and authentic image as a socially responsible brand.
  4. Consumption of Gen Z is different from traditional customers because of digitalisation and the influence of social media. How could Gucci optimise co-creation systems using digital platforms to engage Gen Z better? What omnichannel strategy Gucci could use to better target Gen Z for a street clothing brand? 

Case Study link: https://hbsp.harvard.edu/tu/4eeda122 (note this is the same as Part A) (This will then redirect you to the Harvard case repository. You will then need to register on this site. You must use your UNSW email address to do so, otherwise you may not be able to gain access to this case).

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