Social media can help people connect and learn. But there is also a down-side to social media. What are some of the pros and cons

Social media can help people connect and learn. But there is also a down-side to social media. What are some of the pros and cons

Details: Psychology is one of those subjects where students might say, “its just common sense” or ” I knew that already about myself”, or even ” I don’t believe this is true, even if the research we discussed says it is”. We often misconstrue science as a process to find the truth. More accurately, science is demonstrating what is NOT true. Being a skeptic is a little different from being a naysayer or refusing to change your mind when new information is presented. In this week’s critical thinking assignment, FIRST read the following article about critical thinking the seven steps of critical thinking, easy ways to get started. Then respond to ONE of the scenarios highlighted in RED below using your critical thinking. TIP IF ONE OF YOUR REFERENCES IS FROM A PEER REVIEWED PSYCHOLOGY JOURNAL YOU CAN RESUSE THE SOURCE FOR YOUR FIRST RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT



Steps of Critical Thinking

1. Identify the problem or question.

Be as precise as possible: the narrower the issue, the easier it is to find solutions or answers.

2. Gather data, opinions, and arguments.

Try to find several sources that present different ideas and points of view.

3. Analyze and evaluate the data.

Are the sources reliable? Are their conclusions data-backed or just argumentative? Is there enough information or data to support given hypotheses?

4. Identify assumptions.

Are you sure the sources you found are unbiased? Are you sure you weren’t biased in your search for answers?

5. Establish significance.

What piece of information is most important? Is the sample size sufficient? Are all opinions and arguments even relevant to the problem you’re trying to solve?

6. Make a decision/reach a conclusion.

Identify various conclusions that are possible and decide which (if any) of them are sufficiently supported. Weigh strengths and limitations of all possible options.

7. Present or communicate.

Easy ways to get started with critical thinking: Reflect upon the issue at hand. What has been your personal experience or opinions on the issue? What are the pros and cons? What information is missing on the topic which you would like to know? Think about your thinking.

3. NOW You can respond to one of the following questions using steps in critical thinking: ( make sure you identify which question you are responding to in your answer)

Option 1: During President Obama’s time in office, Mrs Obama had an initiative to reduce obesity-Lets Move! The aim was to instill healthy eating habits, increase exercise with the aim to weigh less. We have shifted to acceptance of a range of different body types and healthy at any size. Use critical thinking steps to look at this issue from different points of view. Find research that supports both points of view ( list them) and explain how your thinking on the topic may have changed since doing this research.

Option 2: Many studies seeking to understand basic human emotions and behaviors are based on introductory psychology students at colleges. Many of these studies have been developed by faculty who most likely were white and male. Many of the subjects where at colleges where we might assume were majority white. What are potential problems with relying on these samples? How should we look at these results?

Option 3: Social media can help people connect and learn. But there is also a down-side to social media.

What are some of the pros and cons you’ve discovered? ( remember you are looking for research on both sides of the issue. What are some solutions or suggestions experts recommend?

Answer preview for Social media can help people connect and learn. But there is also a down-side to social media. What are some of the pros and cons


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