Illustrate how to create your favorite dish. What steps are required to create this dish? Be sure that you take your audience through

Illustrate how to create your favorite dish. What steps are required to create this dish? Be sure that you take your audience through

Illustrate how to create your favorite dish. What steps are required to create this
dish? Be sure that you take your audience through this process step by step!
Since the purpose of this essay is to illustrate, you should have enough specific details and
examples for your essay to be considered an illustration essay.
Many illustrations may come from your personal experiences. However, even personal
experiences should be supported by research in college essays. Thus, you must cite at least
one credible source to earn maximum credit for this essay.
will help you understand more about evaluating sources. Failure to use and cite at least one
credible source will result in a point deduction from your grade. Properly cite your source(s)
in MLA format and include a Works Cited page (this resource from the course will help).
Review the rubric for this essay to get an idea of how your work will be assessed.
As with all college writing, your essay should have a strong thesis statement in addition to an
introduction, body, and conclusion.
Thesis hints: Here are some general and specific examples of how you might think about your
thesis for this assignment:

Answer preview for Illustrate how to create your favorite dish. What steps are required to create this dish? Be sure that you take your audience through


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