Go to www.ferrariworld.com. Fast wheels, hot car, fast lifestyle are all descriptions of this late Twentieth-Century icon. Using information

Go to www.ferrariworld.com. Fast wheels, hot car, fast lifestyle are all descriptions of this late Twentieth-Century icon. Using information

Homework Assignment 1 (Chapters 3 & 4)

  1. Visit www.publicagenda.org. Pick an issue that is relevant to one or more of the
    values discussed in this chapter and report on the data available to that
    value. (There are many issues you can choose from ranging from childcare and
    the family to race and social security. Each issue contains an overview along with
    current trends and editorials. It is important for you to look at these issues in a
    way that illustrates and explains the current values of society when relating each
    to the material in chapter 3). 
  2. Go to www.ferrariworld.com. Fast wheels, hot car, fast lifestyle are all
    descriptions of this late Twentieth-Century icon. Using information from the
    Web site, design a strategy that would enable the company to sell its product to
    an upscale, luxury market that might see Ferrari’s reputation as a drawback (for
    example, only movie stars and drug dealers drive one). What problems must be
    overcome? How will your strategy deal with these problems?

Answer preview for Go to www.ferrariworld.com. Fast wheels, hot car, fast lifestyle are all descriptions of this late Twentieth-Century icon. Using information


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