the paper should deal with mythology, or the relationship between mythology and culture, or the narratives that shape and accompany

the paper should deal with mythology, or the relationship between mythology and culture, or the narratives that shape and accompany

APA style. For this stage of the project you will submit a Final Paper on your chosen topic. Again, the paper should deal with mythology, or the relationship between mythology and culture, or the narratives that shape and accompany cultural events. As indicated in the Topic Choice section, your paper should include both primary source as well as secondary source components. For example, the paper could be about a holiday or ritual, or a particular sacred place, or compare two myths, or examine a work of art, or examine how an important speech uses mythological references, etc. Paper should make a point about your subject matter and support it using what you have learned in this project. Your paper should also have a reference list for the sources used to support what you say. This should have at least three sources, though it may have more. You do not need to use the same sources as you used in your Annotated Bibliography, though hopefully these did help you write your paper.

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