Discuss and examine a case that raises issues of social or cultural importance in North America. Include in your essay references to both

Discuss and examine a case that raises issues of social or cultural importance in North America. Include in your essay references to both

The main event: a research paper engaging with two essays.

This paper will draw on the discussions we’ve had throughout the semester about race and equality in the U.S. But it will engage, in particular, with at least one of the two essays, by James Baldwin and Ta-Nehisi Coates. In addition, it must add reference to another essay by another writer, as a counterpoint or complication of what Baldwin and Coates are talking about.

“Discuss and examine a case that raises issues of social or cultural importance in North America. Include in your essay references to both popular and scholarly discussions of the issue.” —That’s from the imaginary essay assignment described in The Broadview Guide to Writing (p. 9). So the procedure it outlines can also be used for this essay. This assignment asks you to do the same, except it is more specific:

Discuss and examine a case involving race or inequality in the U.S, and apply the ideas found in at least one of the essays we read by Baldwin and Coates.

The case you choose should be something that appeared in the news, so that you can find sufficient information and analysis of it. It could be famous, like the deaths of Trayvon Martin or George Floyd or others, or it could be something more minor or lesser known. It could be recent or historical. It could involve anyone, of any race, as long as issues of race or inequality are at the center of the case.

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