Write an evaluative argument essay analyzing social issues raised in Parable f the Sower. Is the wool appropriate for freshmen college reading?

Write an evaluative argument essay analyzing social issues raised in Parable f the Sower. Is the wool appropriate for freshmen college reading?

Read the following prompts, whose general topics are in bold, and CHOOSE ONE:

Lauren °lamina, the main character in Octavio Butler’s Porable of the Sower, creates a net? religion in which God is Change. The novel is presented as Lauren’s diary, which she keeps religiously. Trace the development of Lauren’s creation of Earthseed and the role writing plays in its development. Based on your analysis, present a thesis driven essay analyzing the theme of change in the novel.
Butler’s Parable of the Sower presents a dystopian neappresent replete with violence, environmental distress, economic uncertainty among other societal vvoes, yet Butler presents contrasting instances of strong communities existing within larger society. Identify the positive yd negative communities found in Parable of the Sower yd discuss the characteristics and impact on the larger society. Include any parallels to present-day communities in your analysis. Based on your analysis, present a thesis driven essay of Butler’s vision of community.
Biblical Allusion:

The novel’s title Parable of the Sower is a bibliwl reference. Why is the significance of the biblical parable to Butler’s story?

Freshmen Composition:
Write an evaluative argument essay analyzing social issues raised in Parable f the Sower. Is the wool appropriate for freshmen college reading? Consider the issues and themes presented in your analysis.

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