Consider the example of COFFEE. Describe in detail the SUPPLY CHAIN of this product from raw material to retail distribution. You can do

Consider the example of COFFEE. Describe in detail the SUPPLY CHAIN of this product from raw material to retail distribution. You can do

ASSIGNMENT 1 – Supply Chain Management
Consider the example of COFFEE. Describe in detail the SUPPLY CHAIN of this product from raw material to retail distribution. You can do independent research – look up reliable publications (NOT Wikipedia) for information. Add diagrams if you choose.

ASSIGNMENT 2 – Technology
Advances in technology in recent years have had a significant effect on business management functions. Discuss how such technologies as: CAD/CAM, Management Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Electronic Data Interchange and Enterprise Resource Planning, allow organizations to mass customize their products and services to meet the needs of individual customers and place them where and when they are needed to supply demand.

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