Do a keyword search of “sales per square foot” to find the sales per square foot of various categories of merchandise and types of stores.
Do a keyword search of “sales per square foot” to find the sales per square foot of various categories of merchandise and types of stores. Compare the sales per square foot of the various categories and stores. Explain the differences.
Look for a trade publication article on inventory turnover in a retail organization using HCC’s library business databases. Is poor turnover mentioned? If so, what are the causes? Is improved turnover mentioned? To what factors is the improvement attributed?
Using HCC’s library’s business databases, look for a trade publication article with sales per square footage in a retail organization. Are poor sales per square foot mentioned? If so, what are the causes? Are improved sales per square foot mentioned? To what factors is the improvement attributed.?
Submit your findings in an MS Word document and include the name of the publications you used for your research. Your submission should be double-spaced. If you quote any sources, include a Works Cited page.
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