This week’s discussion forum is different. I have set you up in pairs to conduct a negotiation role play exercise. It is like a discussion

This week’s discussion forum is different. I have set you up in pairs to conduct a negotiation role play exercise. It is like a discussion

This week’s discussion forum is different. I have set you up in pairs to conduct a negotiation role play exercise. It is like a discussion group, but there are only 2 of you to each group. 

There are two ways for you to conduct the negotiation. You can make offers and counteroffers in writing as you do your other discussions. However, that may require a lot of writing as you may want to explain the reasoning behind your offers and counteroffers during the negotiation. The easier way to conduct the negotiation is live but remote using the video conferencing capability (like zoom) built into Canvas. You will need to use the discussion function to contact your negotiation partner and arrange a time when you both have about 1 hour to conduct the negotiation. Each Negotiation Role Play pair has a Group Home Page. You can access this video conferencing capability by clicking the Conferences button on the left side of your Group Home Page.  So long as you are both on the platform at the same time, you can conduct your negotiation there. 

The negotiation role play is called the Recruiter – Candidate negotiation. I will email each of you your appropriate roles. One of you will be the hiring manager (Recruiter) and one of you will be the bright young undergrad securing your first HR job (Candidate). You have already tentatively made \ accepted the job offer and are now discussing the details, such as salary, benefits, start date, etc. See the slides included here for more instructions and ground rules for the negotiation.

As with the Discussion Forums, you have until Saturday to complete your negotiation. This negotiation is scored in the sense that you earn points for different negotiated outcomes. Your goal is to get as many points for yourself as you can. You will upload the last page of the Recruiter’s instructions (Final Contract) as an Assignment for this week to report the outcome of your negotiation (just one for group).

I will grade this assignment based on the number of points you earn. Those scoring in the top 1/3 of the class will receive 10 points, those scoring in the second third will receiving 9 points, and those scoring in the last third will receive 8 points. You do have the option of not coming to any agreement, in which case you will receive 8 points. After all negotiations are complete, I will post a video lecture showing your outcome relative to the rest of the class and will provide an analysis of the negotiation structure that will help you understand the dynamics of effective negotiating.

Please submit the last page from the Recruiter’s role instructions with the settlement position on each issue indicated by highlighting the settlement point in Bold and Underline.  The instruction are in word, so you can type on the sheet, save it, and upload it as a word document. Upload the document using the “Attach” icon (paperclip) at the bottom of the reply field to this discussion forum. The assignment is set up for the team, so one submission for both negotiators is fine. Be sure to type the names of both negotiators on the sheet.

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