What are some observations that you personally could make of the planet Jupiter on a clear night? Please specify whether you’d use just your

What are some observations that you personally could make of the planet Jupiter on a clear night? Please specify whether you’d use just your

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Answer each of the following questions with a paragraph. (Question 2 can be answered with a bulleted list)

  1. What are some observations that you personally could make of the planet Jupiter on a clear night? Please specify whether you’d use just your eyes, binoculars, or a small telescope.
  2. If I say that the moon is in Gemini, could that be a scientific observation? What factors would need to be present to make it one?
  3. Name 6 measuring tools you have or might find in a household.
  4. If I use a musical tuner app on my cell phone to determine the pitch of a sound, have I made an observation? Is it a repeatable observation?
  5. Explain why assessing the browning of a slice of apple left on the counter on a scale of 1-5 does not represent a repeatable, quantifiable observation.
  6. If your local radio station announces that the temperature is 50° and you are listening to it, who has made the observation?
  7. If I check timeanddate.com and learn that there’s a full moon next week, have I made an observation? Why or why not?
  8. Can I use the online archive of Hubble Space Telescope images to reject hypothesis using the scientific method? Why or why not? Who made the observations?

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