Discuss a few key aspects of the “corporate culture” in your organization or, more generally, the corporate culture in the public safety

Discuss a few key aspects of the “corporate culture” in your organization or, more generally, the corporate culture in the public safety

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Discuss a few key aspects of the “corporate culture” in your organization or, more generally, the corporate culture in the public safety discipline you’re a part of or are looking to become a part of. For example, what social factors influence the behavior or employees—perhaps more than compensation and regardless of the expectations of management. An easy example is that a marine’s understanding of “Semper Fidelis,” (“always faithful” or “always loyal”) is likely to influence how the marine behaves to a greater extent than compensation will, and more than management can.

How do the findings of the Hawthorne studies and the Banking Room Studies explain the power of an organizations culture?

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