For this assignment, students need to complete an introduction of their projects using the selected articles from assignment #2 (all the arti

For this assignment, students need to complete an introduction of their projects using the selected articles from assignment #2 (all the arti

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For this assigment, students need to complete an introduction of their projects using the selected articles from assigmnent #2 (all the articles selected as a group). Do not limit yourself to the selected articles, as each student is allow to use more peer reviewed articles in their introduction if they need more. Each student needs to write their own introduction. The inroduction needs to be at least one paragraph, but more is always recomended. Follow the recomendations provided in the presentation located in Module 3 – Week 3 (Intoroduction section_week_3).

Research on pesticides and children

Follow the formula that we talked about in class (steps 1-4 below), as you will be graded on it.

1) Overview of the topic (broad to narrow)

2) Prior research (what are some of the past findings for your topic)

3) Rational of your topic: why is your topic important and needed and resarch gaps!

4) Provide the main goal and objectives of your proposed project.

Submit assigment in microsoft word format.

5) Use these articles to do the introduction…

Requirements: One Paragraph Introduction

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