The purpose of the paper is to examine a case study of a group of people that has been defined as having certain inherent racial characterist

The purpose of the paper is to examine a case study of a group of people that has been defined as having certain inherent racial characterist

Learning Goal: I’m working on a research & summaries case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Research Paper Prompt

ANTH 105: Climate Change, Race, and Inequality Summer I 2022

Length: 6 typed pages (12 pt font, 1.5 spaced), not including a Works Cited Page

Due: Submit by 11:59 pm on 7/27/22

Why write a paper?

The purpose of the paper is to examine a case study of a group of people that has been defined as having certain inherent racial characteristics in a way that facilitates the exploitation of their bodies, labor, and/or environment and to propose one or more practical and feasible solution(s) that can help to rectify their racial marginalization and environmental exploitation. You should also reflect on how this specific case study could serve as a model for broader social and environmental change. Keep in mind that the people, place, and problem on which you focus do not have to be specifically mentioned in the syllabus, but you should strive to define each of these as narrowly and specifically as possible.

While your proposal focused on the significance and definition of the community’s racialization and environmental exploitation, your final paper will focus on supporting your solution as the most viable (but not necessarily the only possible) solution to the community’ problems.

Elements of the Paper

Writing is an art, not a science. Thus, there is no specific format to follow, but a good paper will contain all of the elements below in a logical and readable flow.

Background Information/Genealogy of Racialization

You do not need to explain the entire history of race as an idea or provide evidence that climate change is happening and being caused by human activity. However, you should explain how notions of race and climate change and/or environmental degradation have interacted to affect your specific community.

In doing so, you should cite other scholars who have examined your own and/or similar communities and explain how your own perspective differs from and improves upon their work. This might include comparing your perspective on their situation or the solutions you recommend to those we have read about in assigned readings for this class, but you will probably find it more useful to rely on academic works more focused on your case study or cases similar to it.


You should show the solution you present to be reasonable, practical, and feasible by presenting examples of how similar communities have solved similar problems or how members of your community, scholars, and/or allies have made progress and/or demands in pursuit of such a solution. There is rarely one “magic bullet” solution that would fix everything, so a combination of

solutions and/or strategies to achieve it is perfectly acceptable, and even recommended. It is great to be ambitious, as long as you also specify what sort of relatively achievable first steps could be taken in order to advance more radical and/or long-term solutions.


Yes, the plight of each community and ecosystem is significant in its own right, but hopefully this class has illustrated how communities are racialized and exploited environmentally in similar ways. Thus, solutions and strategies for achieving them can be relevant to communities in similar predicaments, and might also have the potential to be scaled up to more broadly combat global climate change. While most of your paper should focus on your particular case study, you should also explain how your case could have implications for other communities and broader changes.

Body Paragraphs

Each paragraph should center around a main idea relevant to your thesis that you introduce in a topic sentence. There is no ideal number of paragraphs, but in general, shorter and more focused paragraphs are easier to read, so try to keep them to around one half to three quarters of a page in length. Remember to use topic sentences and transitions to lead the reader through your thinking.

Your paper should use at least 5 academic sources relevant to your topic to support your thesis and relate it to what other scholars have argued. Keep in mind that for sources to be relevant, they do not necessarily have to focus on your specific case study. For example, Native American activist strategies in response to the Dakota Access Pipeline could also be relevant to Bolivian indigenous people asserting claims to ancestral land which has been contaminated due to oil drilling.

For the most part, you will rely on peer-reviewed, academic sources, but you can also cite primary sources like activist manifestoes, company documents, firsthand accounts of participants, or journalistic descriptions, but keep in mind these do not count toward your minimum of 5 academic sources. It is not necessary to include direct quotations from your sources. It is usually preferable to paraphrase (and cite!) information from your sources, and more importantly, summarize arguments scholars have made about your topic and explain how your own solution(s) relate to their work and/or how their work can help understand your case.

Please, please, please remember to properly cite ALL the information that you get from sources by author’s last name and page number, whether it is a direct quote or paraphrased.


Tie everything together with a compelling statement of why your case study matters and how it helps us to understand how racial and environmental exploitation are linked and how they can be simultaneously addressed. This should go beyond restating your thesis and summarizing evidence to suggest broader implications of your thesis. Don’t be modest and understate your point here; make the reader feel they have read something important and worthwhile.

Works Cited

List all sources cited in alphabetical order starting with the authors’ last name. You may list sources in MLA, or APA style as long as in text citations can be traced to the works cited page, which contains all the publication information necessary to find the source.

6 pages paper based on the proposal provided (contains majority of information to be written in the paper and can be used within the paper if necessary).

***Please include peer-reviewed sources for this paper. *** (Google Scholar articles and other peer-reviewed sources recommended)
A lot of content can be used from paper proposal as it is meant to be a lengthier and more detailed version of the Paper Proposal for the research project.
Attached is the Research Paper Proposal that is to be worked further on with and instructions for the Research Paper.

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