In his Second Discourse on the Origins of Inequality Jean-Jacques Rousseau declared: “The first person who, having fenced off

In his Second Discourse on the Origins of Inequality Jean-Jacques Rousseau declared: “The first person who, having fenced off

Learning Goal: I’m working on a political science writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

All students must select one (1) paper topic from the list below.

Be sure to indicate the number of the question you are answering.

1. In his Second Discourse on the Origins of Inequality Jean-Jacques Rousseau declared: “The first person who, having fenced off a plot of ground, took it into his head to say this is mine and found people simple enough to believe him, was the true founder of civil society.” We know that Karl Marx too saw the emergence of private property as a fateful moment in human history. Compare and contrast Marx’s and Rousseau’s critiques of the bourgeois state. What roles do (1) the division of labor and (2) the emergence of private property play in each critique? Why could not Marx be content with Rousseau’s critique?

2. What is the German Ideology to which Marx and Engels refer in their work so entitled? How do their exposure and critique of that “ideology” in this and other early writings lay the groundwork for the critique of capitalist political economy found in Capital? Discuss the role the concept of alienation plays in that critique, and evaluate Marx’s and Engels’s analysis of the roots of that phenomenon.

Your paper must be no fewer than 5 and no more than 7 pages, double-spaced typewritten pages (in type no smaller than 12 points or 10- pitch (pica) with full 1-inch/2.54 cm margins on all sides).You are encouraged to discuss the material covered in class among yourselves, on the Canvas discussion forums, for example, or in self-initiated study groups, but it is expected that your paper be your own work. Be sure to cite all direct quotations from texts using quotation marks, and be sure to provide citations for ideas taken from texts or lectures as well (even if you are not using a direct quotation). You may not consult sources not assigned for this course. (Please use the short form of citation instead of endnotes or footnotes, by indicating author’s last name, abbreviated title if we have used more than one work by that author, and page numbers in parentheses after the passage or idea being cited.) You may cite lectures in the following format: (Lecture, April 11, 2022, p. 25). Do not use endnotes or footnotes or a Works Cited page for this assignment since you may not use any sources not assigned for this course. Including a Works Cited page will result in a 5-point penalty.) A paper with no quotations or citations will receive an “F”.

I will upload all the lectures and reading material that related to the topic.

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