For one of these issues (teacher unions, women, or racial minorities’ influence on education), explain how this course has influenced

For one of these issues (teacher unions, women, or racial minorities’ influence on education), explain how this course has influenced

Learning Goal: I’m working on a political science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For one of these issues (teacher unions, women, or racial minorities’ influence on education), explain how this course has influenced your beliefs about this issue. Do you still agree with your initial response, or have your beliefs changed? Justify your answer by discussing the materials covered in lectures and in the assigned readings. Your essay should be between 500 and 750 words.

Statement A: Teacher unions are an important determinant of the level of education spending; strong unions push local districts to spend more money on education, whereas weak unions cannot accomplish this.

Statement B: On average, women tend to be more concerned about the welfare of children than men; give women more political power, and you will see improvements in education quality and reductions in educational inequality.

Statement C: Racial minorities have little political power to influence education systems in the U.S. When they vote, or even when they become members of local school boards, racial minorities are unable to influence education policy.

Answer preview for For one of these issues (teacher unions, women, or racial minorities’ influence on education), explain how this course has influenced


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