Identifying Survey Instruments for Quantitative Studies: Explore PsycTESTS (You will need to log in to UC Library) which

Identifying Survey Instruments for Quantitative Studies: Explore PsycTESTS (You will need to log in to UC Library) which

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Identifying Survey Instruments for Quantitative Studies: Explore PsycTESTS (You will need to log in to UC Library) which serves as a repository for a growing selection of psychological tests and measures, including thousands of actual test instruments and test items that are available for immediate download and use in research and teaching.)

After you locate a possible survey instrument in PsycTest, you will need to locate the full article for the research study where the survey was used.

For this discussion, you should provide detailed information about the survey instrument by addressing the following:

  • Name the survey instrument
  • Validity of scores for the instrument
  • Reliability of scores for the instrument
  • Sample items
  • Content of instrument
  • Pilot testing

Share your thoughts about the validity and the reliability of the survey instrument? Why would you or would you not use this survey in your own research?

Answer preview for Identifying Survey Instruments for Quantitative Studies: Explore PsycTESTS (You will need to log in to UC Library) which


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