Inequality: Is the rich getting richer and the poor poorer in America
Inequality: Is the rich getting richer and the poor poorer in America and around the world?
instructor/PNT GUIDE
10 pages excluding
1. Cover Page (
2. Table of Contents
3. SUMMARY (15 sentences or more )
4. What is the issue? And The Question: Frame a question to address the issue. Your paper must respond to only one question
5. Background Info
It must be referenced Text Citation/APA style but within the PNT GUIDE
6. Arguments For
It must have referenced Text Citation/APA style but within the PNT GUIDE
7. Arguments Against
It must have referenced Text Citation/APA style but within the PNT GUIDE
8. Contradictions
9. Policy Recommendation (s) referenced Text Citation/APA style but within the PNT
10. Personal opinion
11. Minimum of 8 references and three of them must be from non-profit
Solution preview
In both America and other countries across the globe, the gap between the rich and the poor is the animal in the room. This paper determines whether the rich are increasingly gaining more wealth while the poor are getting poorer. Therefore, to get a clear perspective of the inequality between the rich and the poor, this paper shall examine various economic factors including income, tax, education, and health…………………
3321 words