For this assignment, you will gather evidence for your informative speech as described in Chapter 12 of the textbook. You must use researched

For this assignment, you will gather evidence for your informative speech as described in Chapter 12 of the textbook. You must use researched

For this assignment, you will gather evidence for your informative speech as described in Chapter 12 of the textbook. You must use researched based supporting material. Only one of your sources may come from an Internet source (all or at least two must come from physical sources such as books, magazines, journals, newspapers, etc.). Wikipedia may not be used. For online sources consider using .org, .gov., or .edu sources. Make sure to check the validity of your sources.


  1. Research and gather three pieces of evidence.
    1. Use at least two different types of evidence from the categories described in Chapter 12 of our book. (You may choose from the following types of evidence:
      1. statistics
      2. testimony
      3. examples
    2. You may use one type of evidence twice or you may use three different types of evidence, for example:
      1. statistics, testimony, example
      2. statistics, statistics, testimony
      3. testimony, testimony, example
      4. example, example, statistic, etc.
        You may not have three of the same types of evidence.
  2. Provide the following information for each piece of evidence and record your evidence in the following format:
    1. Main PointFor the point you are supporting, do not use “Main Point 1” – use: “Main Point 1: Types of Dogs” or “Main Point 2: Types of Cat Food” or “Main Point 2: Ingredients used in whole wheat bread
    2. Supporting material typeChoose 1 statistic, testimony, or example.
    3. SourceUse APA reference formatting.
    4. Quote/VerbiageUse exact quote or specific text you plan to say in your speech.


  1. Main Point: Main Point 3: Sea Turtles Habitats
  2. Supporting Material Type: Statistic
  3. Source: Doe, J. (2017). Sea turtles love living in the ocean and on land. Book Press: New York, NY.
  4. Quote/ Verbiage: “In a poll of Sea Turtles, it was found that 90% of Sea Turtles love to live in the ocean and also live on land” (Doe, 2017).

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